A few stories you might want to hear when the power is low!

scanning: author: from: time:2023-09-22 classify:Company news-index
For information management, Jingdong Logistics has deepened network reform and optimization, comprehensively implemented shift upgrading, done well in network coordination, and deeply promoted the construction of b-network, large-scale and cold chain network, built a transport capacity platform, fully integrated urban distribution terminal resources, and built a complete experience improvement system.

With the advent of the era of big data, mobile data also shows an exponential growth trend, and its demand is increasing, which leads to the explosion of mobile data traffic. For 4G technology, it has been unable to handle such a huge amount of data traffic. Therefore, in order to solve this situation, 5g technology appears in people's vision.

In the continuous efforts of technical personnel, 5g technology in China has been relatively mature this year. Recently, China's largest 5g smart grid has also been built in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Up to now, more than 30 5g base stations have been deployed in gugugukou, Laoshan jinjialing, Olympic Sailing Center, etc. Using 5g technology to enable the transformation and upgrading of traditional power grid will not only improve the quality of power supply service, but also produce huge economic and social benefits.

Coincidentally, the application of intelligent technology is not implemented alone. At the same time, Pingyi County of Linyi City, another area of Shandong Province, also launched an intelligent project. This project is the strategic cooperation between Jingdong Logistics and Pingyi County People's government. Jingdong Logistics gives full play to its scientific and technological advantages and upgrades the local intelligent logistics system. The two sides will carry out all-round cooperation in intelligent warehouse construction, information management, supply chain building, intelligent equipment procurement and logistics development. Pingyi County can choose to cooperate with Jingdong Logistics, which is also the advantage of Jingdong Logistics in intelligent logistics system.

Since its establishment, Jingdong Logistics has created a set of warehouse and distribution integration mode, which has laid its own advantages in supply chain service, and made customer experience and distribution efficiency higher, which has become its core competitiveness.

For the construction of intelligent warehouse, Jingdong Logistics has the largest intelligent logistics warehouse group in the field of e-commerce logistics in Asia. More than 20 Asia No.1 intelligent logistics centers have been put into operation in China. Smart warehouses exist in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other first-line central cities, showing the huge energy of China's logistics black technology to the whole country and even the world.

For information management, Jingdong Logistics has deepened network reform and optimization, comprehensively implemented shift upgrading, done well in network coordination, and deeply promoted the construction of b-network, large-scale and cold chain network, built a transport capacity platform, fully integrated urban distribution terminal resources, and built a complete experience improvement system.

In terms of supply chain, based on the advantages of integrated supply chain service, Jingdong Logistics has opened up key industries such as clothing, consumer goods and household appliances to help businesses optimize inventory, improve efficiency, enhance experience and expand sales volume, so as to form a supply chain solution that meets all customers' needs